The Bookshelf

Siren Queen - Nghi Vo

I have been reading this at work, which means a lot of reading in short bursts and stepping away from it. Which has been fine. The vibes are very intense. Historical fiction + magical realism. I don't know anything about early movies, and I have no idea which characters or movies or details are based on reality. That is the most interesting part about historical fiction, which isn't my favorite genre but I do love the spooky magical twists.

That said, the protagonist is making what I would consider to be Bad decisions, which is good writing, but stressful for me personally. I am Interested to see what happens to her and what she does in the future, but also I extremely want to look away. I do not know whether or not I will finish it! I'm ~30% of the way through. It is very compelling. So far, there is nothing extremely explicit. Again, the themes are pretty dark, but I think it would be okay for a teenager.

The Gracekeepers - Kirsty Logan

LOVE a book that takes place 90% on boats. The beginning of this story is a little rough. North feels very trapped, and Logan conveys that feeling effectively! I didn't enjoy it! I kept waiting for something terrible to happen, which is rough.

Otherwise, I really enjoyed this one. I read it quite quickly and thought about it when I wasn't reading it. The worldbuilding is very fun, and I love a circus family. I really enjoyed the use of different points of view. I expected at the beginning that it would just be Callanish and North, but I felt like every character's viewpoint was believable and interesting and added something to the story.

The Golden Thread - Kassia St. Clair